GDPR & 隐私

a gaming and interactive design major works on a laptop



This privacy notice explains how 十大赌博网站 (“we”, “我们”, “我们”)收集, 使用和分享您的个人资料, and your 权利 in relation to the personal data we hold. This privacy notice concerns our processing of personal data of past, present and prospective students of 十大赌博网站 (“you”, “你”).





The GDPR covers the personal information of all natural persons—that is, 人, 但不包括欧盟内部的法人实体,如公司或非营利组织(“欧盟数据主体”)。. GDPR没有基于个人的永久居住地或国籍进行区分. The GDPR applies to all such individuals’ personal data.



十大赌博网站采取合理和适当的措施来保护个人数据免受损失, 滥用, 未经授权的访问, 信息披露, 变更, 和破坏, 考虑到处理个人资料所涉及的风险和个人资料的性质.



We may collect your personal data in a number of ways, for example:

  • 从您在加入我们之前与我们互动时提供给我们的信息, 例如,当你表达你对在十大赌博网站学习的兴趣时;
  • 当您申请在十大赌博网站学习并填写入学表格时,以及当您完成其他录取流程和程序时;
  • 信息rmation collected through disciplinary and grievance procedures;
  • 信息rmation collected through the administration of student housing; and
  • 信息rmation collected through surveys and feedback mechanisms.
  • 当你通过电话与我们沟通时, 电子邮件或通过我们的网站, for example in order to make inquiries or raise concerns;
  • 在你作为十大赌博网站的学生期间,以各种其他方式与我们互动.
  • 来自第三方, for example from your previous or current school, 大学, 可能为你提供推荐信或资助你学习的大学或雇主.



We may collect the following types of personal data about you:

  • 你的名字, 以及联系信息,比如地址, 电子邮件地址和电话号码, 还有你的出生日期, 社会安全号码(或其他税号)和您的护照号码或国民身份证的详细信息, 居住国和国籍. We will also allocate you a unique student number
  • 信息rmation relating to your education and employment history, 你上过的学校和其他学院或大学,以及你工作过的地方, 你已经完成的课程, 学习日期及考试成绩. We will also keep records relating to 评估s of your work, 考试详情, 你的预测和实际考试成绩以及你的学生记录中的其他信息
  • 信息rmation about your family or personal circumstances, and both academic and extracurricular interests, 例如,这与评估你是否适合接受援助或为你提供适当的照顾有关
  • 有关刑事定罪和罪行的敏感个人资料和资料,包括:
    • 信息rmation concerning your health and medical conditions (e.g. 残疾及饮食需要)
    • 某些刑事定罪(例如.g. for students on nursing programs, following completion of a background check)
    • 信息rmation about your racial or ethnic origin; religion or similar beliefs
  • Payment data necessary to process your payment if you make purchases, such as your payment instrument number (credit card number).
  • Records related to your use of our facilities and services
  • 事件照片和闭路电视录像
  • 信息rmation about your involvement, activities, and awards


The basis for processing your information and how it is used

十大赌博网站可能会处理您的个人数据,因为这是履行与您的合同所必需的,或者是为了在签订合同之前根据您的要求采取措施. In this respect, we use your personal data for the following:

  • 在你被录取为学生之前与你互动,作为录取过程的一部分.g. to send you a prospectus or answer enquiries about our courses)
  • To 添加ress any concerns or feedback you may have
  • For any other purpose for which you provide us with your personal data.

我们也可能处理您的个人信息,因为这是我们的合法利益所必需的.  为此,我们可能会将您的个人信息用于以下任何用途:

  • 为您提供教育服务,这些服务可能没有列在我们的学生手册中,但这仍然是我们学术和教育使命的一部分
  • To monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the university, including by training our staff or monitoring their performance
  • 保持和提高学术水平, 企业, 金融, estate and human resource management of the University
  • To promote equality and diversity throughout the University
  • 就我们的权利和义务寻求建议,例如大学需要法律建议的地方
  • 收回欠大学的资金
  • 筹款用途


我们也可能为了履行我们的法律义务而处理您的个人数据. In this respect, we may use your personal data for the following:

  • To meet our compliance and regulatory obligations
  • 用于预防和侦查犯罪
  • 为了协助警察和其他主管当局进行的调查(包括刑事调查).


  • 它是医疗目的所必需的(例如.g. 医学诊断, provision of health or social care or treatment, 或与健康专业人员签订合同)
  • It is necessary for emergency medical purposes
  • It is necessary to protect your or another person’s vital interests or
  • We have your specific or, where necessary, explicit consent to do so.


How PBA Uses Current and Prospective Student 信息rmation


  • Recruit and/or admit you as a student at 十大赌博网站
  • 促进学术事宜,包括:
    • The provision of our core teaching, learning, and research services (e.g. 登记, 评估, 出席, 管理进展, 学术不端行为调查, 认证, 和毕业)
    • 保存学生档案
    • Assessing your eligibility for bursaries and scholarships
  • Provide library, IT, media, and other information services
  • Provide support of our core services in non-academic matters, including:
    • Providing support of our core student services in non-academic matters
    • 监察平等机会
    • Safeguarding and promotion of students’ welfare
    • 确保学生安全
    • Managing student employment, assistantships, and internships
    • 学生住宿管理
    • 管理社交媒体的使用
    • Managing facilities on campus, including parking
  • 管理财务,如学费,奖学金,联邦和州补助金,或财政援助
  • Provide other administrative functions, such as:
    • Carrying out research and statistical analysis
    • 进行审计以确保遵守我们的法规和法律义务
    • 提供操作信息
    • 推广我们的服务
    • 预防和侦查犯罪
    • Dealing with grievances and disciplinary actions
    • 处理投诉和询问
  • Provide for archiving and statistical purposes
  • Preparing the commencement booklet; and
  • Promoting and archiving the ceremony on our website.



我们将根据需要保留您的个人信息,以满足法律文件保留义务的合规要求.  即使您已经对您的个人信息行使了一项或多项(下文)权利, 我们将有权保留您的个人信息以履行法律义务, for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest, 为公众利益而存档, for scientific or historical research purposes, 用于统计目的, 或者对于建制派来说, 锻炼, 或者为法律索赔辩护.


Your Rights with Respect to Your Personal 信息rmation


  • To obtain access to the Personal 信息rmation that we hold about you
  • 在您认为我们的处理活动对您的利益有不成比例的影响时,根据您的特殊情况反对我们的处理活动, 权利, 和自由
  • If you believe that your Personal 信息rmation that we possess is, 或者已经变成, 不正确或不完整, 你可以要求复核, 修改, 正确的, or update any of the Personal 信息rmation we may have about you free of charge
  • 限制与您的个人信息相关的处理活动(以及, 我们的处理是基于你的同意, 你可以撤回同意, 在不影响我们基于撤回前同意的处理的合法性的情况下)
  • To request that we erase your Personal 信息rmation erased
  • 拥有个人资料, 是你自愿提供给我们的吗, 以结构化的方式产生, 常用的, 以及机器可读的格式, including for the purpose of transmitting it to another party; and
  • To require us not to send you marketing communication.

Please note that the above individual 权利 are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where certain exceptions apply.  If you have given your consent and you wish to withdraw it, 请使用本文档末尾提供的联系信息通过电子邮件与校园数据保护官联系. 请注意,在何处处理您的个人数据取决于您的同意以及您随后在何处撤回该同意, 我们可能无法向您提供全部或部分服务,及/或可能影响服务的提供.



The 隐私 Notice is not directed to “children”, 我们并不寻求, 我们也不会有意识地处理, 儿童的个人信息. Where a prospective or current student is classified as a child, 我们将作出合理的努力,以核实同意是由对儿童负有父母责任的人给予或授权的, where Personal 信息rmation of the child is to be processed.



十大赌博网站大西洋保留权利, 由我方全权决定, 改变, 修改, 添加, 删除, 或以其他方式随时修改我们的政策和本隐私声明的部分内容, consistent with the requirements of applicable law.  When we do, we will post the revision(s) here on this page. 如果此政策发生重大变化,PBA将提供适当的通知.

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